Civil Peace Service Advisor Position

We have a unique and new opportunity for you to join our team through our partnership with Weltfriedensdienst (WFD), a non-governmental organization with 60 years of experience in project support worldwide.

WFD is an implementing organization of the Civil Peace Service Programme (CPS) of the German government and is currently recruiting a CPS advisor to be based in DCIP's Ramallah office.

Description of position

The project will be implemented by Defense for Children International – Palestine (DCIP) in cooperation with Weltfriedensdienst e.V. (WFD), within the framework of the Civil Peace Service (CPS) Programme. DCIP is the national section of Defense for Children International (DCI), an international child-rights movement and non-governmental organization, established in 1979. DCIP promotes and protects children’s rights in accordance with international standards. DCIP investigates documents and pursues accountability for grave human rights violations against children and advocates at the international and national levels to advance access to justice and protection for children.

The assigned Civil Peace Worker shall contribute to the development of an advocacy digital content strategy for a journalism and advocacy platform, focused on the rights situation of Palestinian children.

See the job description below for details.

Please send electronic application documents (letter of motivation, CV, relevant certificates and references - merged to one PDF document, max. 5 MB) by March 1, 2020 by e-mail with subject: "Application DCI/Palestine" to: [email protected], cc: [email protected]

Full job description

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