Other Ways to Give

Tax Deductible Donations


CAF_Badge.svgUnited States - CAF America

To make a donation via stock or wire transfer, please email us for the bank details.
To make a tax-deductible donation by mail, please send donation with this Gift Form to:

CAF America
225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 375
Alexandria, VA 22314 USA

canada_sign.pngCanada - United Church of Canada

Canadian donors can make a tax receipt donation to DCIP via the United Church of Canada. Contributions can be made online, by phone, and via cheque to the work of DCIP as they are one of our institutional donors. 

Here’s the link to how to donate: http://www.united-church.ca/community-faith/get-involved/ways-give

IMPORTANT: Regardless of the method, at the time of making the donation, you must specifically write-in and designate that you would like the donation to go to the work of "Defense for Children International - Palestine."

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